Liz Fiedler is a Certified Nurse Practitioner, the owner of a century farm in central Minnesota, a mom, a widow, a published author, and the owner of Sunny Mary Meadow – a flower business just outside of St. Joe. Liz and her late husband, Josh – the namesake of the century-old farm operation – started Sunny Mary Meadow in July 2020. Just five months later he passed away; the day after his funeral, Liz found out she was pregnant with their second daughter. Through it all, she’s persevered and built a business bringing brightness to others’ lives through flowers.
“Josh died of a heart attack while exercising at home on his lunch break in December of 2020. That following spring, a lot of people were very surprised I was going to continue with the flowers. I had a 3-year-old daughter, and I found out I was pregnant the day after Josh’s funeral. I was due August 2021, and let’s just say being in your 3rd trimester in the middle of a hot and humid summer isn’t ideal with any job, but especially not when you’re working outside with flowers. I remember saying, ‘don’t take away one of the things that still makes me happy.’”
“From that moment on, I knew I wanted to see this business grow. It was something we started together, and I know it has taken a different turn than what we originally had planned. That first season without him was difficult because I had to ask for so much help, and I continue to do so. But I know so many of my customers are just as invested in my success as I am. After a storm this past spring, I had over 20 volunteers come out and help me get my flowers planted. What should have taken me two weeks was done in 2 days.”
“I grew up in southwest Minnesota, very near the South Dakota border, and moved here after college. It’s where I met my husband and where we built our life. There are many reasons I have chosen to stay in the area since he passed away, but “the people” tops the list. Time and time again I have experienced a wave of support from the surrounding communities and this feels like “home” to me. I also know that this is the best way my daughters can “know” their dad that they’re too young to remember — by being where I most feel his presence and can tell stories about him.”
“My flowers are grown in a very labor-intensive manner (hand seeded, water, harvested) and it takes a lot of time and effort. People appreciate that and know it’s different from a bundle you buy at the supermarket that’s flown in from another continent. I partner with a number of local breweries and shops to host “bloom bars” and bouquet classes, as well as host vendors at the farm once in a while! Of course I want people to buy flowers, but I want you to have fun while you’re doing it.”
“I have felt an overwhelming wave of support since my husband passed away. I feel like people genuinely care about how we are doing and want to see my business succeed. Ultimately, this farm is a beautiful space that I want to share … It’s about so much more than flowers.”