Anna Marie’s Alliance has been an innovative community leader since the late 1970s when a group of fierce women led a grassroots movement to end the domestic abuse women were facing in the community. In its early days, Anna Marie’s Alliance facilitated action in direct response to an unmet need; they were instrumental in opening an emergency shelter and influencing change in awareness about domestic and relationship abuse.
Maxine Barnett was hired as executive director of Anna Marie’s Alliance in 1979 and helped lead the organization for 33 years. In its 44 years, the organization has provided services to well over 22,000 individuals. “We are the primary shelter in the Central Minnesota area with advocate staff who are trained to meet the unique needs of victim-survivors of relationship abuse,” shared Charles Hempeck, current Executive Director. “Those experiencing crisis may have accessed either one or several supports available, such as our 24-hour hotline, on-scene response, emergency shelter, or criminal justice intervention for Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Orders.”
But Anna Marie’s is so much more than a shelter or hotline for victims. “We have an on-site, licensed daycare that provides safe space for children so parents can continue to work or attend vital appointments. The pet-safe home eliminates barriers as pets are also welcome with families. Our Prevention and Education team informs youth, trains workplace teams, and conducts tabling to create awareness, break cycles and prevent abuse. Housing programs assist those leaving the shelter with ongoing case management to help stabilize, empower, and support independence in transitional and long-term permanent housing. The Holding Hope Supervised Visitation Center provides safe, no-cost, parenting time support for families who have experienced domestic violence.”
The community has been instrumental in the growth and development of Anna Marie’s Alliance. They partner with other leading organizations in the community as well as local and outlying rural school districts. “We maintain relationships with critical community resources, including social service agencies, mental health professionals, housing programs, and more,” explained Hempeck.
“Our involvement in the Stearns County Domestic Violence Partnership has been critical to creating a system response that supports survivors while holding offenders accountable. Community Advocates continue enhancing relationships with Benton and Stearns County Law Enforcement by providing annual training, improving processes and partnerships with On-Scene and Criminal Justice Intervention services, and facilitating Violence Intervention group.”
“Through collaboration with the Court Administration and Stearns County Attorney’s Office, we offer weekly Safety Planning classes for community members who want to modify or drop their Domestic Abuse No Contact (DANCO) or Order for Protection (OFP). Our leadership and advocacy staff continue to build relationships and actively reach out and connect with community organizations that help the agency support the mission. These partners include but are not limited to: Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, Catholic Charities, TriCAP, Legal Aid, St. Cloud HRA, Higher Works Collaborative, CentraCare, Promise Neighborhood, United Way, CAIRO, African Women’s Alliance.”
As the community evolves, so does the programming at Anna Marie’s. They have been innovative and agile in responding to the needs of Central Minnesota, including a licensed daycare, allowing for pet-safe stays, and the addition of Holding Hope, the supervised visitation center, and the rapid re-housing program called First Step.
Unfortunately, the number of families who are experiencing financial challenges along with housing insecurity is rising. “Relationship abuse is the leading cause among those who report that they do not have available stable housing. Our 10-year goal is to reduce the reported number of relationship abuse cases by 40% by 2031. Working with community partners to raise awareness, prevention, and education is key to achieving that goal.”
“Throughout our 44-year history, we have been fortunate to receive support from the Central Minnesota community. Individuals, families, houses of worship, civic clubs, social groups, small, medium, and large businesses, city and county departments, health care facilities, schools and universities, foundations, and other non-profits. Our success comes in large part from people’s donation of time/volunteering, in-kind services/items, and money/resources.”
“Anna Marie’s Alliance is currently working on the final phase of a capital campaign to complete a building project that was started in 2018. In 2021 the COVID-19 pandemic required a pause in the final phase of the building project. In 2022 a feasibility study was completed, and the board of directors voted to move forward with the rest of the project. The funds will be used for both renovation and expansion to convert the current dormitory-style rooms to create efficient, apartment-style spaces. The new spaces will provide privacy, areas for family time, and give residents more space and independence. A committee formed within the board of directors along with our Development Director has been key in working with business and private donors in raising funds. This project is an example of how the agency continues to be innovative and meet the needs of those we serve.”
“Relationship abuse is not an individual problem, it is a community problem. It is only in working together to eliminate stigma and change systems, that we will create a world free from relationship abuse. Others can support the mission by actively participating in activities that promote prevention awareness, joining our Allies for Peace program, attending educational opportunities and events hosted by the agency, volunteering, responding to donation drives, and making monetary donations.”
The overall goal of the agency is to provide victim-survivors and families with the resources and tools to live safely and independently in the community free from abuse. Short-term goals are to provide immediate emergency help, secure safety, evaluate, and provide for immediate needs. Long-term goals are to provide clients with connections and resources that allow them to meet their family’s needs and live violence-free.