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Too Much Talent

In 2019, Lenora Hunt started Too Much Talent, a St. Cloud group that provides culture-related programming for children, families, and young adults in Central MN. From reading to STEM programs, to dance classes (for all ages and skill levels), math workshops, and mental health resources – Too Much Talent (2MT for short) has a little something for everyone.

“Our mission is to help prepare youth and families to be the next generation of leaders by providing education, resources, and programming that assures every person reaches their potential,” shared Hunt. “Our outcomes and success stories keep us going. We’re proud to continuously help create pathways out of poverty.”

Too Much Talent was created to help youth develop a sense of competence and engage in identity work. “We envision our program having a positive influence in their everyday lives to strengthen families and our community. We exist to make a difference – to be a valuable resource in the lives of those who are not in the best of situations. A reflection that all is not lost in any given situation…hope!” Too Much Talent has an incredibly impressive program list, including:

  • After School Activities
  • Community Service Projects 
  • Health & Wellness Resources
  • Culturally-Specific Services
  • Boys 2 Men Workshops
  • Fitness & Dance Groups
  • Recording & Podcasting Programs
  • Math & Reading Workshops
  • Adult Services (housing resources, job search assistance, PCA certification, financial literacy, and more) 

“We have partnered with various organizations and businesses throughout St. Cloud like 320 Exclusive and Bold and Beautiful Wigs (formally known as Drip Bar). We also have partnered with United Way, Initiative Foundation, Community Foundation, as well as Promise Neighborhood!”

Anyone ages birth to 21 years old is welcome to participate in Too Much Talent’s offerings, and they meet during the school year as well as during the summer. The 2MT website lists a number of invaluable skills and resources participants can access including provided food, exposure to local entrepreneurs, civic leaders, council members, and other inspirational role models, opportunities to serve on our youth leadership council, life skills like resume building, public speaking, self-care, self-esteem, a place to showcase talents, and more.

“We are here to knock down barriers and serve our community. One of our slogans is “Don’t tell me what St. Cloud can’t do”. We’re challenged with very limited funding, so 2MT is always looking for ways to get the word out about programming to find community donors and partners. That’s the best way our community can rally around us. Share our name and what we offer, and encourage others to donate if they’re able so we can keep our community thriving.”

“Together we can empower the world’s young people to secure economic independence, create their own opportunities, and realize a brighter future.” To learn more, you can visit or follow them on Facebook.


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