The Greater Saint Cloud area has a large population of veterans living among us and it’s important that the talent of these men and women doesn’t get overlooked.
Military personnel spend years developing themselves to have attributes which can make them top performing employees on your team. Consider these reasons (among many others) to hire a veteran.

Leadership Skills
A veteran understands the role of leadership in hierarchical and social structures. This does not just translate into compliance, respect, and trust for their leader, but it means they know how to lead by example themselves. As military personnel strive to become leaders, they hone the parts of their personality that are hard to acquire: integrity, work ethic, self-motivation, discipline, etc.
Respect for Business Protocol
Not only will veterans demonstrate a respect for their leaders, but they will also have a respect for business protocol and following company guidelines. Veterans can understand the implications of someone deviated from procedure better than most. As a result, you can expect a cooperative and accountable employee.

Military responsibilities include an array of group productivity. In training and in the field, veterans have learned the importance of teamwork and how working together can achieve so much more! If a communal spirit is important to your company, hiring a veteran is a safe bet.
Your organization’s productivity will be enhanced by hiring a veteran who can adapt to the changing world. From new technology to new concepts, a veteran has the proven skills to learn quickly and enact change.
Performance Under Pressure
Through experience, veterans have developed the skill of prioritizing tasks under pressure such as limited time or limited resources. With a can-do attitude, military personnel have felt the satisfaction and seen the results of getting a job done despite tremendous stress.
There is no doubt that military training a veteran has experienced helped them develop hard-to-find attributes in today’s job market. You might just discover the top talent you need by hiring a veteran!