HOSA-Future Health Professionals is an international, student-led organization for students between the ages of 6th grade through college who are interested in learning more about the healthcare profession. HOSA members become better prepared for college and their careers through leadership activities, hands-on learning, volunteer and community service, and innovative competitive events. HOSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and several federal and state agencies.
We chatted with State Director Summer Hagy to learn more about HOSA and the opportunities it brings to Central MN. “As a part of the Healthforce Center of Excellence, I oversee the development and implementation of innovative educational experiences that serve over 1,400 student members across schools in Minnesota who are planning for a future in healthcare. While other health and medical student clubs exist, MN HOSA stands alone as we provide continuous opportunities for students to learn, lead, serve, and innovate throughout the year on a local, state, national, and international level.”
“I was born and raised in Iowa (go Hawks!) and came to Minnesota in 2006. Upon meeting my now-husband, I decided MN would be my second home and have stayed in the central Minnesota area since 2007. Living in this area lends itself to the best of both worlds - an hour one way, and you're at MSP ready to fly off on vacation; an hour the other way, and you're enjoying lake life on a pontoon!”
“I was fortunate enough to learn about MN HOSA-FHP in 2019 and was hired as the only full-time staff member in January 2020. MN HOSA-FHP has been a chartered association of HOSA, Inc. since 1978 and remains the only 100% healthcare-oriented, student-led Career & Technical Student Organization in the state. MN HOSA is led not only by me but also by a team of student leaders. Our seven State Officers are the ‘face’ of HOSA throughout the state, leading meetings and starting chapters while maintaining excellent grades in school! I'm so proud of the current and former State Officers I've had the pleasure to work with. I'm also assisted by our officer coach, Lauren, and judge coordinator, Malia, along with our board of directors.”
Locally, HOSA has a great partnership with CentraCare. “They continue to lift up the work we do by sharing our mission throughout their service area and intend to strengthen that partnership as their medical school campus opens in St. Cloud in the coming year. We are thrilled to have a pathway for our Central Minnesota HOSA members to thrive in HOSA in high school with the opportunity to attend medical school in their own backyard.” In addition to its relationship with CentraCare, MN HOSA has significant support from the Mayo Clinic. The MN HOSA-FHP Board of Directors and conference presenters include representatives from a variety of healthcare institutions throughout the state, such as Allina, Fairview, North Memorial, and Regions, to name a few.
In addition to partnering with healthcare providers and facilities, MN HOSA works to find schools interested in starting a local chapter. “The most challenging aspect for our local chapters (schools) is finding and funding transportation to and from events as well as basic funds needed to attend conferences. We welcome any organization to connect with us to learn how they can support the future of the healthcare workforce in Minnesota by assisting with chapter start-up costs.”
2024 is particularly exciting for MN HOSA, as their largest conference of the year is coming to St. Cloud on April 7-9. “Everyone is welcome and invited to join us! Our conference will feature three days of leadership activities, hands-on learning, service activities, and innovative competitive events for over 700 MN HOSA student members from across the state to showcase their skills and build their networks.” The conference is just a piece of what makes MN HOSA-FHP special for students throughout the state.
“Seeing the growth in confidence, leadership, communication, and career-focused skills of our MN HOSA students during the school year and beyond makes this job and organization so rewarding. It’s incredible to see the evolution of a shy, timid student at our Fall Conference become a poised, thoughtful, engaging student leader later that year at our State Conference. We’re proud to have had MN HOSA members go on to achieve amazing things after high school, including acceptance into West Point Academy, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Tulane, U of M BA/MD, Gustavus Adolphus College, University of Iowa, University of Pennsylvania...the list goes on and on.”
If you, your school, a student you know, or an organization you’re part of is interested in learning more and getting involved, MN HOSA welcomes you with open arms. “Our goal is to share the mission of MN HOSA - Future Health Professionals as far and wide as possible. Share this article with a friend or family member who has students in school; visit www.minnesotahosa.org to find out about our upcoming events; volunteer at our State Leadership Conference April 7-9 here in St. Cloud (you can email me via director@minnesotahosa.org); ask your school administration if HOSA is available to students; connect us with a healthcare professional interested in speaking to students - we're open to collaboration and partnership!”